Monday, October 15, 2012

Camping Adventure

We went camping this past weekend with my brother and sister in law just for one night. It was quite the adventure but anything with two little girlies is an adventure these days. Yes it was COLD, yes there was whining and some complaining, and a clingy baby, BUT there were memories made and it was nice. It's always fun to camp and not have all the luxuries that you have at home; no running water, outhouses, cooking everything on the fire. (for a short time) It makes you appreciate your home and everything in it so much more. We had a nice day of relaxing, eating, canoeing, and walking. Aunt Genna did a scavenger hunt with Noni which she loved and she took a nice afternoon nap in the cabin. We got to hear the train in the middle of the night which was fun. (The tracks are really close to camp) Overall we had a good time but its good to be home!


  1. Kendal and Peter!!! My heart leaps seeing your family! I Love you all!!!

  2. thank you Susan you are so sweet!
