Monday, August 29, 2011

Another Birthday Girl!!

My Birthday was the 26th and I am now 26 years old!! I had a lovely day of celebrating.

Gigantic Cookie and Pumpkin bread at a local gluten-free cafe!
Hung out and walked around town with our friends!!

Peter made me an amazing birthday dinner!
-Tomato/Mozzerella/fresh basil salad
-Green bean almondine (made with mixed nuts and some turkey bacon)
-Twice Baked Potatoes
-T Bone steak on the grill
and he surprised me with 2 sushi rolls, Eal and Avocado and california roll
Mmmmm! It was soooo good and I was so stuffed afterwards!

Petey got me some presents which was so fun! A beautiful amber ring, a backpack which will be my diaper bag, a decorative mushroom, (i love mushrooms) a gift certificate, and fun hippie slippers! Instead of wrapping the presents he just put it in all the pockets of the backpack, so Noni helped me find them. It was fun!
Then we just hung out as a family in our back yard, went for a walk and then watched a chick flick together!
It was a really nice birthday!!!
Our August celebrations are now done but Peteys birthday is coming up in September!! Yay!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Shes 2!!!

My Birthday Girl!
She started the celebrating off with her cousins and some good old outdoor fun. Water balloons!
Nonis first favorite character was Mickey Mouse so we thought it would be fun to do a Mickey cake. I baked it but Peter did the decorating. Im very proud of him.
Happy girl, she joined in and sang happy birthday to herself!
The whole fam!
Celebrating with her other cousins!
Her and her baby have matching outfits!
She had lots of fun and loved being the birthday girl. Today when she woke up she said, "more presents"? :)
I have some more sentimental thoughts to share about this little 2 year old of mine but now is not the time. Soon!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Happs

having lots of fun in our back yard!
and with daddy!

Noni and I went to the beach again for a one night stay with my mom, aunt, cousin and niece and nephew. It was lots of fun. The first day was rainy so we just walked the boardwalk and the second was beautiful beach weather.
New favorite thing. Umbrellas!

Noni girl has been to the beach 5 times in her short little life and really is becoming a pro. She eventually got used to the water and was really loving by the end and she absolutly loves playing in the sand.
I hope to have one of these mommy and Noni pics every year of her life to put in her scrapbook. Love it!

Looking forward to celebrating Nonis 2nd Birthday this Sunday. Yay!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

SIX Years!! WhAt??

Yup Pete and Keni have been married for six blissful years. He is truley my best friend and I am his. We have had our ups and downs but mostly we really enjoy living life together. Our relationship has evolved and changed over the years and is going to keep evolving but that is exciting. Knowing we will always be there for each other, through ALL of lifes adventures. I am so thankful for him!
We celebrated our big day by feasting at Olive Garden (just the two of us) and shopping at Toys R Us for our Noni girl. Simple but fun!

Here are some pics of us from our wedding and over the years!

Monday, August 1, 2011

ONE Year DREADiversary!

I can't believe its been a year since I got my dreads! It has been quite a journey. Some days I hate them and some days I love them but mostly I really do like having them. My hair has really taken them well and are felting up very nicely. They are still messy and loopy which is just part of the process. Three years is when dreads are supposed to be fully settled and mine are well on there way. I originally committed myself to keeping them for one year but now that its here I think I have to commit to three years. Might as well. It will go so fast. BUT Im not promising anything.

I have dyed them blonde twice now which is fun. I like changing things up every now and then. I might dye just a few a bright funky color. We'll see. I love putting beads in and colorful floss. I might even try making my own clay beads sometime.
I am very excited that I have found some one to help me maintain them. An old friend/co-worker from when I worked at a the hair salon. She helped me with some loose hairs last month and I think I need to make my next appointment to work on my roots. I have also found a lot of helpful dread heads online that share what works for them on maintaining and styling so that has been very helpful.

SO Happy Dreadiversary to me!!!!!!!