Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall is Here!

Well I dont know if its official but it sure feels like it to me. We have had to break out the pants and hoodies and according to the forecast the cool weather is here to stay. I am actually ok with saying good bye to summer. The excitement of what is to come in about 6 weeks is making me really look forward to the fall.
What I love about Fall:
that I light candles more often-they are so homey
drink lots of hot beverages (yum)
curling up under a blanket with my hunny and my girl while we watch tv
hearty soups, stews, and chilli that are such comfort foods
hmmm what else, pumpkins, apples, hayrides, pretty leaves, its all good and makes the season so fun!

With this cooler weather I have had a great to desire to stay home more. Which if any of you really know me you know I am a social butterfly. Ever since Noni was two weeks old I have been running around doing all kinds of fun stuff with my girl. We have playdates and go shopping and have created lots of fun memories in the past two years. That being said the thought of adding a baby to our running around is kind of dreadful. I am sure I will still have my playdates and do lots of fun things but just not as much. It will be difficult to work around not one but two nap schedules and then all the stuff to bring with me, uh you get it. SO I have been staying home a little more, trying to get used to it I guess. And that pregnancy thing that they say comes towards the end of the pregnancy "nesting" really has some truth to it. I think that is kicking in. I have been rearranging and cleaning and sorting through all sorts of things that I haven't touched in a long time. Anyway.

Today we were home all day except a quick run to the library. I was in the kitchen most of the day makeing/freezing my own applesauce and then I made a big pot of chilli and some GF cornbread. Yum. It was a fun day but I am tired now. Time to just relax for the rest of the evening. :) Some pics from the day and the week. Yay FALL!!

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