Sunday, September 4, 2011

Passionate Girl!

So I said a few posts ago that I was going to right a more sentimental post about Nonah and her birthday. I don't really know what to write so Im going to just start and see where this goes. I want to try and share with you about the little person that Nonah is becoming.

She really is becoming her own person with her own ideas and opinions. She has such a big and bold personality that has only been expressed more and more as she begins to talk more. Her vocabulary has grown immensely in the past 6 months. It amazes me how children pick up on things and learn and mature all on their own. It just happens. Yes we communicate with her and teach her things but there is a whole ton of stuff that we have not specifically taught her, she just learns by being with us. (Sorry if this seems silly to be writing about. I guess its because she is my first child, I never really witnessed first hand how quickly children grow/learn, that now seeing my own child grow up is just AMAZING.)
She is so smart and bright. She is fun and funny. She is a fiesty and passionate little chica. (ex. she started picking out her own clothes at a very young age) She is strong willed and sensitive.
She loves the outdoors, nature, birds, animals, books, puzzles, playing in the sand, playing dress up, taking care of her baby, coloring, playdough, and anything to do with Mickey mouse. She is starting to have an imagination and play a little on her own which is so cute to see.

She is 90% potty trained. Shes been wearing undies for 2 weeks now and has mostly been accident free. She does still wear a diaper to bed at night and for some naps but other wise she uses the potty. So proud of her.

She keeps calling herself a big girl and the big sister. She is so ready for our little baby to come. She hugs and kisses my belly, talks to the baby and gives it toys. We have been watching birth videos with her in order to prepare her for the birth. (She will be there for the labor and birth since we will be having a homebirth.) She loves watching the babies and says "our baby comin". I can't wait to see her with the baby.

Well thats it I guess. You sort of get to know her a little better. Noni is amazing and being her mom is the funnest, most amazing and challenging job/gift I have ever had!! I love her so much!

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