Thursday, April 19, 2012


Do you have a blog? Do you ever wonder who reads your blog? Ever wonder if you are just writing about your life and that there is no one on the other end reading your words? Or if there is someone reading your words what are they thinking? can they relate? have they gone through that too? do they have any questions? Hmmm?

Well I have. I do wonder this every time I write a post. I love blogging. It is therapy for me. It helps me process things and let go of things. Or just shareing what me and my family are up to. I love reading others blogs and i follow certain ones faithfully. I feel like I have connected with some of these people even though I have never met them. The ones that I have been following for a while I just became an official "follower" of. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. I am challenging myself to write more comments as well. I always read things and think things in my head but dont usually write a comment.

So...I am asking you, if you read my blog, regularly or not regularly and enjoy checking in will you please become a "follower." Or let me know what you are thinking. I want to get to know who is reading my blog, (if anyone). I added the follower gadget on the side so go ahead click on the "join this site" butten. Also let me know if you have a blog and I'll start "following" yours!!!

Thanks blog friends!!!
-if you are already a follower, then ingnore this post, thanks!;)


  1. I read every single one of your posts and I LOVE them!! :)

  2. Thanks so much Sylvia. I read yours too! Waiting for the next one! ;)

  3. I read all the time. It keeps me involved with people I used to spend ALOT of time with. Makes my heart glad to see Peter's family...Love to you all!!!

  4. I do check in from time to time and catch up on all your posts! Just not often enough. :( I feel like I breeze through the internet as fast as possible anymore!
