Saturday, April 10, 2010

Green thumb!

So we are hoping between the two of us that we have a green thumb. Peter and I are taking another stab at planting and hopefully growing a garden. Yay, mmmm and uhg come to mind when I think of gardening. Yay because it gives me something to do. Mmm because I love fresh veggies. And uhg because sometimes I’m not so motivated to do the weeding and watering and pruning part. As silly as it sounds its true. Peter has to remind me to water because unless I’m outside and see it I just don’t think of it. That’s why we are such a great team. He did all the planning for the garden. He figured out what variety to get, how to plant it, when to plant, where, etc, etc. I went to the store and bought the seeds, he rota-tilled, and then he told me where to plant what. Now its my job, since I’m home more than him, to weed and water. It is my goal to stay on top of it with out him having to remind me. We’ll see.

We (meaning Peter, myself, and Nonah) planted last Monday night and already things are starting to come up. It’s amazing, just amazing. So in this small garden we are going to be planted: lettuce, spinach, swiss chard, parsnips, radishes, peas. Once there’s no more frost we will plant: pole beans, cucumber, zucchini, tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, and don’t forget the sunflowers and zinnias. I don’t know how it’s all going to fit exactly but remember that’s Peters department. He read about how to put lettuce under the pole beans for shade and mix the lettuce and radishes together and all kinds of nifty little tricks. Anything will be better than last years garden. We were complete ammeters and didn’t plant until late spring, didn’t add anything to the soil, and just didn’t give it the attention it needed. You gotta start somewhere right? This year is going to be completely different, I promise.

Now the herb garden is all mine Peter said. I can do whatever I want. I have some chives, sage, lavender, and peppermint left from last year but I am planting basil, cilantro, dill and bunching onions. Mmm! The peppermint is taking over though. Literally. It is planted outside of the herb garden and has grown under ground and is now growing in the center of the herb garden. Its ridiculous. It smells nice though.

It is so satisfying to see something I started turn into something wonderful. Veggies right from the garden is the best produce ever. After we get sick of making yummy Gazpacho, brushetta, stir-fry, and so many more we can just juice it all.
So Happy gardening to you or just happy eating yummy veggies!!

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