Sunday, April 10, 2011


I can't believe it has only been a week since we were in TN. It seems like so much longer for some reason. Where to start. It was such a fun trip. It was the first real trip/vacation we have taken as a family (the three of us) besides the beach. I was dreading the 12 hour drive but it actually was ok. We left at 3am so Noni slept the first 3+ hours. She read all her books and watched a Veggie Tales and Cars movie. (Thank the lord for our mini TV) I slept off and on, Peter drank coffee, and we stopped 3 times to stretch our legs. Then we were there.

Two and a half days of unloading, setting up house, relaxing, hiking, eating, and lots of family time. It was so beautiful there. My in laws chose an amazing place to call home. They both loving nature and being outdoors and they will definitly get there fill of that. They have a mini waterfall and a creek in there back yard, the national forest with tons of hiking paths meets right up to there property and a huge wrap around porch with a roof on it so even if its raining they can be outside. They are heading in to there busy season so they have lots to do to get things ready.

The hardest part of course was saying good bye. We all were trying not to even think about that part until the time came. That moment when everything was packed up in the car we just had get in. It was hard. We hugged and cried and promised to write and call and stay in tune with eachothers life and then we drove away. My heart ached at the thought of my Noni girl not being able to see her Nee-Nee and Poppy regularly. They will miss holidays and birthdays and the every day life stuff and that if the hardest part to accept. I know people do it all the time. Move away and only see each other a few times a year but this will take some time to get used to. We will stay in touch and we will see them and our times together will be special. We are already planning our next trip down in May. Yay. So heres some photos from the trip.

She is such a trooper!

Baby Tanner Noni and her cousins, who she adores. Noni waiting to get in the hot tub. She fell in the creek, we think Nee-Nee pushed her. The Hackeltons + Noni Our nature girl! One of our many walks. Good Bye!!

Check out there website to see more pics and info!

1 comment:

  1. I totally started laughing when I read your comment about Noni and the creek. Mom will die if she reads that! :) You have a better picture of our family than I do, can you send it to me?! You won't believe how different Tanner looks since you took that picture!
