Friday, October 15, 2010


I don’t know if many of you know this but my husband and I have been attending a house church ever since we got married. It was Peters parents who started it and people have come and gone and it is down to just family. Which has been really great especially with having Nonah the kids can just play while we do church. For the past few months I have been longing for more though. For something different, for fellowship with other believers and other couples our age. I’ve just been ready to go to church. Peter on the other hand has not been ready. We started going to house church for reasons like wanting less structure and more freedom to share and take part and be able to bring something to the meetings which usually you can not do in a typical Sunday morning church setting. So Peter didn’t really want to leave our comfortable home church setting for lack of knowing where else to go.

Long story short Peters parents are moving out of state so we will no longer have a house church to go to. We have visited 2 churches so far and the one we visited this past Sunday might be the one. Peter and I really liked it. It was pretty casual, they are all about Love which is something that God has really placed on mine and Peters heart when we were at school. It just felt right being there. I felt the holy spirit and just really loved everything about it. I am so excited to be going back this coming Sunday and maybe even checking out some of their “Love groups” that meet during the week.

Gods timing is just so perfect. We went to house church for 5 years and really grew and learned so much from it. There was so much one on one time and questions answered. You have to be real when you are in such a small group so I was able to give a lot and receive a lot which is what church is all about. I know Peter and I would not be the Christians we are today without our house church experience. It has been amazing but God has also been preparing us for this transition. I was ready but Peter wasn’t but we were talking about it months ago and now here it is. Now we are ready. I guess even if we weren’t ready it’s not up to us but God’s timing is perfect and it has all worked out. Thank you God.

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