Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Grocery shopping!

I love grocery shopping. I really do. It's my one time where I don't feel guilty for spending money because hey we NEED to eat. I love how it breaks up my day when I have nothing else going on. I do try to get the deals and I love remembering and using coupons. Once I had Nonah it became a whole new experience. I started to not be able to wander every aisle and look but to get in and get out before she needed to nurse or had a melt down. I loved carrying her in the sling and wrap and shed sleep and no one would even know wether she was a boy or girl they would just look and say awwww. I have gotten so many looks and compliments on the sling that I use. Its like its a new invention or something. Then as she got older she would sit in the wrap face out and kick and drool and Id get more stares and compliments. Oh I miss that tiny little girl who loved to be snuggled close to her mama. Then she was big enough to sit in the cart which was bitter sweet. It was fun to watch her enjoy this new experience but sad because she was getting to big to wear the whole shopping trip.

That brings me to the present. Sigh. Now she doesn't want to ride in the cart she wants to push the cart herself. And grab things to put in the cart and climb out or stand up in it. It has turned into quite a frustrating time because theres always some crying involved in her not getting what she wants. So unless I keep the trip quick we have now turned grocery shopping into a date night. YUP a date to the store and Peter comes with to help with Nonah and walk with her when shes had enough. Sometimes I think I am going to use it as ME time and leave those two at home.

So we go with the flow here and make changes where we need in order to make life with a 14 month old a little easier!

Nonis first time in the cart, back in April.

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