Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lots of firsts!

It has been a busy week for little miss Noni. She is experiencing all kinds of firsts which is so exciting for her and for us. Shes been cruising as they call it, ya know walking and holding onto stuff and she lets go and stands all the time. But last Saturday night out of no where she just started taking one step at a time and flopping on the floor. She kept doing it and doing like it was a game and singing and playing. Now every day since then she has gotten better and better and is now up to about 9 steps in a row. It is so incredible how much a baby learns and grows all in one year and pretty much all by themselves. They are so smart and so brave. Like Peter said now all she has left is talking. Obviously theres much more but the real biggies are somewhat covered. Its so cute to see those tiny little legs make that little girl walk. She'll be running before we know it.

Then she (all by herself) decided to go down the step that we have. Its just one thank goodness and shes only fallen twice. Shes still trying to master that one. Again so brave, so cute.

What else. She ate chocolate for the first time this week. Loves it. and eggs.

She swam in her first kiddie pool. She went in her cousins pool with her Nee-Nee and then she got an early b-day present from Nee-Nee and Poppy...her own kiddie pool. So her and her little girl friends went in together. She loved it and of course tried to walk in it so fell under a couple of times. Shes going to be a big swimmer I think.

She got her first doll. We were at a yard sale and the guy offered her a free stuffed animal. She picked a teddy. Then I saw this doll that looked homemade and quite unique so I picked it up and Nonah immediatly hugged it and went to kiss it. The guy gave that to us for free too since it was for Nonah. Well when we went to get in the car I had to take it away to get her in her seat and she started screaming, more than usual. As soon as I put it in her lap she hugged it and was fine. She stopped crying, held it the whole way home and fell asleep hugging it. It was the cutest thing ever. Later on she was handing her toys to it. LOL. How sweet, already sharing.

She saw her first fireworks last night. We didn't know how she was going to do because she gets startled by loud sudden noises and will even cry. We headed out at 8:45 pm so of course she fell asleep on the way there and slept til they started at 9:30. We left her in her car seat and she couldn't care less. Her eyes were half open
she just stared at them. She showed no emotion at all because she was just so tired. So atleast she didn't cry!

Lots of firsts indeed!!

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