Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I have never ever stressed about finances in my entire life until now. Its crazy. That’s always the husbands job to worry about the money right? Not the wifey. But now I am a SAHM, (love the title) and things are tight. I knew they would be but not this tight. Its never been like this. I feel like I was a little bit spoiled as I was growing up. Not a spoiled brat but I never really needed anything. I started working at 14 but I didn’t have to save or budget my money I could do whatever I wanted with it. So now when I have to be careful with every single penny because we have bills, bills, bills, it’s a whole new thing for me. I get peace about it for a while and just surrender it to Him but then I write some checks and think about it and realize “ahhh we are broke” and Im back at the beginning.

BUT…I have had a total break through last week. I have prayed about it numerous times and one day I just was remembering life when I didn’t even think about it. It didn’t concern me basically. Peter usually paid the bills and I didn’t even know what we had. I decided I am going back to that. Ignorance is bliss right? Now you might be saying “how juvenile” but ya know what if it gives me peace Im gonna take it. It doesn’t mean Im just going to spend whatever whenever. Not at all. But Im not going to worry about the little things. I guess Im just surrendering it to Him. God will provide and we know that full well. He always has and He always will. Worrying will not add another day to my life let alone more money to my checkbook. So to sum it all up we are broke, Peter handles the bills, and I am at peace with it all!! (for now anyways…hehe)

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